Black Woman and Her Daughter Sue Former White Neighbor for KKK Flag Display and Other Threats

Steve Tomkowiak • November 14, 2023

Federal Case Filed Against Grosse Pointe Park Resident for Racial Intimidation and Harassment

All housing discrimination complaints received by the Fair Housing Center are concerning. This is especially true as to the complaint of Je Donna Dinges and her family.

Ms. Dinges, a hardworking, small business owner, lived in her Grosse Pointe Park home since 2011. In 2017, defendant Ryan Wilde moved next door to Ms. Dinges. A narrow, 5-feet walkway separates the two homes.

From approximately December 2017 until April 2021, Mr. Wilde engaged in or permitted the following acts of racial intimidation against Ms. Dinges and her family:

  • Hanging a “Ku Klux Klan Invisible Empire” flag in a window visible only to Ms. Dinges and her family;
  • Placing a full gas can in the Dinges' recycling bin;
  • Discharging a gun on multiple occasions in the middle of the night from his back porch;
  • Preventing Ms. Dinges from entering the shared walkway between his home and hers and staring at her in an intimidating fashion; and
  • Throwing garbage in front of the Dinges’ home.

Ultimately, these incidents forced Ms. Dinges and her family in December 2021 to move out of their Grosse Pointe Farms home.

After completing an investigation and analysis of the complaint, the Fair Housing Center made a referral to the Civil Rights Litigation Initiative at the University of Michigan Law School (CRLI). A federal court complaint has now been filed on behalf of Ms. Dinges, and her daughter, India, by CRLI Student Attorneys Sarah Hall and Anna Silk, and Professor Michael Steinberg, Director of CRLI.

The facts, which are more troubling than the brief summary above, are set forth in greater detail in the federal court complaint. 

As to the legal theories of liability, the complaint alleges a claim under 42 U.S.C. § 1982 (Count I). This statute was originally enacted as part of Section 1 of the Civil Rights Act of 1868. It sets forth the bedrock fair housing anti-discrimination mandate: “All citizens of the United States shall have the same right, in every State and Territory, as is enjoyed by white citizens thereof to inherit, purchase, lease, sell, hold and convey real and personal property.” As held by numerous courts, this law prohibits racial harassment that prevents a citizen from continuing to lease or "hold" occupancy in their residence. It is sad that after more than 150 years claims still need to be brought under this bedrock civil rights provision. 

The complaint also include a claim under Michigan’s Ethnic Intimidation Act, M.C.L. § 750.147b(3) (Count II), which provides a right to bring a private cause of action and recover treble (or triple) damages. Additional claims in the complaint are for intentional infliction of emotional distress (Count III), negligent infliction of emotional distress (Count IV), and negligence (Count V).

The federal court case has been assigned to the Hon. Linda V. Parker, U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District of Michigan. 

Ms. Dinges initially contacted the Region V of HUD’s Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO). HUD’s Region V FHEO office serves the states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. HUD’s Region V FHEO office, in turn, referred Ms. Dinges to the Fair Housing Center. The Center appreciates HUD’s referral and the critically important Congressional funding that makes possible the investigation and enforcement of these types of violations. 

By Steve Tomkowiak March 7, 2025
University of Michigan Law School Professor Michelle Adams ’ research interests include race discrimination, school desegregation, affirmative action, and housing law. Two of Professor Adams’ students, Michelle Landry and Victoria Pedri (pictured above) from Professor Adams’ Race, Law, and History course, developed a “ Detroit School Integration Timeline ”. The timeline traces the history from Detroit’s establishment of its first “colored school”, to the Dred Scott decision, the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1875, the Great Migration, racially restrictive covenants, redlining, the Birwood (Eight Mile) Wall, white flight, the enactment of the Fair Housing Act, the Milliken v. Bradley decision and efforts to desegregate Detroit schools, through the recent decision in Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard. The timeline is informative, user-friendly and includes many helpful videos. Congratulations to Michelle and Victoria for creating this amazing resource. Detroit School Integration Timeline Legal History Project: Detroit, Michigan (Law students Michelle Landry and Victoria Pedri briefly introduce themselves and thank viewers for checking out their timeline project)
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The Livonia Housing Commission has announced the opening of its Housing Choice Voucher (HVC) waiting list. To apply successfully, you need to provide the Commission with the following information: The first and last names of all members of your household The Social security numbers and birthdates of all members of your household. Total gross annual income of everyone in your household. This includes wages, child support, Social Security, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), General Assistance and Unemployment Income. A valid mailing address and email address. Only one application is permitted per household. Accurate information must be submitted in order to contact applicants if they are selected in the lottery. How to Apply Use this link to start the application process. At the bottom of the page, click Get Started . Persons with disabilities who require accommodations with the online waitlist application, may call the Livonia Housing Commission at (734) 634-0294 or send an email to . (If you do not have the social security numbers, please contact the Fair Housing Center by phone at 313-579-3247 or by email to
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