For over 45 years, the Fair Housing Center of Metropolitan Detroit strived to make housing a reality for those we serve. Fair housing opens doors and leads to coming welcoming, inclusive, and diverse communities.
For over 40 years, the Fair Housing Center of Metropolitan Detroit strived to make housing a reality for those we serve. Fair housing opens doors and leads to coming welcoming, inclusive, and diverse communities.
For almost 50 years, the Fair Housing Center of Metropolitan Detroit strived to make fair housing a reality for those we serve. Fair housing opens doors to equal housing opportunities.
Fair housing protects people from discrimination when they seek to rent or buy a home, obtain a mortgage or engage in other housing-related activities. Fair housing also refers to the right of a person to exercise their fair housing rights free from retaliation.
Fair housing also compels certain affirmative requirements by property owners and managers. One affirmative requirement is to grant disabled persons reasonable accommodations and reasonable modifications.
All new multi-family dwelling units must be accessible to disabled persons.
An additional requirement is that programs and activities receiving HUD funding be administered in a manner that affirmatively furthers fair housing.
Fair housing protects people from discrimination when they seek to rent or buy a home, obtain a mortgage or engage in other housing-related activities. Fair housing also refers to the right of a person to exercise their fair housing rights free from retaliation.
Fair housing also permits persons with disabilities to request reasonable accommodations and reasonable modifications. Additionally, fair housing ensures that construction of new multi-family dwelling units be accessible to disabled persons.
An additional requirement is that programs and activities receiving HUD funding be administered in a manner that affirmatively furthers fair housing.
Discrimination is rarely this obvious:
“This property is adult only. We don’t rent to families with children.” More often, people cover up discrimination by saying things like:
“This apartment isn’t big enough for your family.”
“We’ve taken the house off the market.”
“Sweetie, the apartment I told you about on the phone has just been rented.”
“The owner said no grab bars in the bathroom. He said they always cause water leaks.”
“We cannot give you a designated parking space even though you are a wheelchair user. If we give you a designated space, everyone will ask for one.”
“The ad is wrong. The rent is $100 higher.”
“We are not renewing your lease.”
“The owner does not rent to anyone with a felony.”
“I’ve had too many problems renting to people with mental disabilities.”
Discrimination is rarely this obvious:
“This property is adult only. We don’t rent to families with children.”
More often, people cover up discrimination by saying things like:
"This apartment isn’t big enough for your family.”
"We’ve taken the house off the market.”
"Sweetie, the unit I told you about on the phone has just been rented.”
“The owner said you can't have grab bars in the bathroom because
they cause water leaks.”
" We can't give you a designated parking space even if you use a wheelchair.
If we give you one, everyone will ask for one.”
“The ad is wrong. The rent is $100 higher.”
"We are not renewing your lease.”
“The owner does not rent to anyone with a felony.”
“I’ve had problems renting to people with mental disabilities.”
If you suspect that housing discrimination is occurring or has occurred, or if you have housing-related questions, please contact our office.
There are four ways to contact our office:
F – Fax information to our office at 313-963-4817.
A – Another way to make a fair housing complaint is to call our office at 313-579-FAIR (3247). (Most people call in their housing discrimination complaint.)
I – is the email address that you may use to let us know about housing discrimination or request other services.
R – Report housing discrimination by using the link below.
We are a full-service organization when it comes to fair housing training. A list of some of the training topics are located under Services & Resources. Our trainings are for property owners, leasing agents, management companies, tenants, and any other persons or organizations wanting to become fully current on fair housing compliance.
We also reach out to the public on current fair housing through community outreach and engagement efforts.
Once you submit your complaint, we seek to gather evidence to corroborate your claims. Our investation may include testing. Detailed information concerning the complaint process is located under Services & Resources.
We also assist you in seeking a prompt and just resolution of your complaint.
For a variety of reasons, some meritorious complaints cannot be resolved. Only then, we will discuss other options with you, such as filing an administrative complaint with HUD or the Michigan Department of Civil Rights (MDCR) or in retaining an independent, cooperating attorney to file your case in federal or state court.
We keep you up to date on fair housing events and topics, including recent changes in fair housing laws, guidance statements, and recent court decisions. Make sure to sign up for our e-newsletter for the most immediate and up-to-date information.
We keep you up to date on fair housing events and topics, including recent changes in fair housing laws, recent court decisions, and best practices for fair housing compliance. Make sure to sign up for our e-newsletter for the most immediate and up-to-date information.
M.C. - Director, Disability Rights Organization
JR, Ph.D.
M.C. - Director, Disability Rights Organization
JR, Ph.D.
Address: 5555 Conner St., Suite 2244 Detroit, MI 48213-3487
Phone: (313) 579-FAIR
Fax: (313) 963-4817
Address: 5555 Conner St., Suite 2244, Detroit, MI 48213-3487
Phone: 313-579-FAIR
Fax: 313-963-4817
Address: 5555 Conner, Suite 2244, Detroit, MI 48213-3487
Phone: 313-579-FAIR
Fax: 313-963-4817